Wednesday, April 11, 2012

An Introduction...or New Beginning?

Hello.  If you are reading this, then I am flattered that you've taken the time from your day to spend a few moments in mine.  If no one ever reads this, that's okay too as this is more therapeutic in nature for me rather than informative or helpful to others.  However, it happens to do the latter in the process, then that's perfectly fine.  I am not quite sure what direction this blog will head in, but I believe that the concept will eventually evolve into what it should be after several more posts.  I tried my hand at blogging once, but my post were pretty random...and rare. Why am I starting up again now?  I often times find I have many things waving through what I call this ocean of thoughts in my mind.  Sometimes, I really am not sure who to turn to and talk about these things because for one, sometimes there just isn't anyone that has the time to talk about it or they are uninterested and two, I feel that by writing these thoughts out (whether its regarding marriage, kids, home, work, grad school, or just life in general) it will give me a little more clarity in thinking.

Why name the blog Peach Tranquility?  For one, being born and raised in Georgia, I love to refer to myself as a "Georgia Peach" and with that a few things come to mind when I hear the term.  The nectar of the peach is sweet and fragrant, and it's color is pleasing to the eye. I'd like to consider myself as being akin to the product of the great state of Georgia; that sweet, yet sassy, southern belle.  While the pursuit of my professional goals is important to me, I am also striving to reach and maintain that constant state of true, inner calmness and serenity.  I feel that once I get to that point where I want to be, I will reach my level of Peach Tranquility.   My "Inner Peach". LOL

I am, by nature, a talkative person.  But in this past couple of years, I have really tried to focus on my listening skills.  Surprisingly, I have learned a great deal about effective listening since starting graduate school. (I guess that formal education is paying off so far!) In the professional sense, I feel that I am headed down the right career path as a licensed clinical social worker, but I would like my personal life to reflect a deeper understanding of inner peace and happiness.  My worry is that if I can not effectively care for myself, then I will be of no help to others.  Thus, the "burnout" is what I am seeking to prevent for myself and be able to teach to others in their work and personal lives.

I figure, if I can be consistent with this blog, it may allow me to lay a foundation for starting (and sticking to) other things: working out, eating, time management, etc...

Here goes nothing.

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